2D image rotation performance#

This example demonstrates how to create a basic rotation using the TensorSpline API and comparing against Scipy’s.


Import necessary libraries.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from scipy import ndimage, datasets

from splineops.interpolate.tensorspline import TensorSpline

Calculate inscribed rectangle bounds from image#

Calculate the bounds for the largest rectangle that can be inscribed within a circle, which itself is inscribed within the original image, based on the image array directly.

def calculate_inscribed_rectangle_bounds_from_image(image):
    Calculate the bounds for the largest rectangle that can be inscribed
    within a circle, which itself is inscribed within the original image,
    based on the image array directly.

    The rectangle and the circle are centered within the original image.

    - image: The input image as a 2D or 3D numpy array.

    - A tuple (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) representing the bounds for cropping.
    # Extract image dimensions
    height, width = image.shape[:2]

    # Calculate the radius of the inscribed circle
    radius = min(width, height) / 2

    # The side length of the square (largest inscribed rectangle in a circle)
    side_length = radius * np.sqrt(2)

    # Calculate the center of the image
    cx, cy = width / 2, height / 2

    # Calculate the bounds of the largest inscribed rectangle
    x_min = int(cx - side_length / 2)
    y_min = int(cy - side_length / 2)
    x_max = int(cx + side_length / 2)
    y_max = int(cy + side_length / 2)

    return np.array([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])

Crop image to bounds#

Crop an image to the specified bounds.

def crop_image_to_bounds(image, bounds):
    Crop an image to the specified bounds.

    - image: The input image as a 2D numpy array.
    - bounds: An array of (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) defining the crop bounds,
              where these values are absolute pixel coordinates in the image.

    - Cropped image as a 2D numpy array.
    x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = bounds
    return image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]

Calculate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)#

Compute the SNR between the original and modified images.

def calculate_snr(original, modified):
    Compute the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) between the original and modified images.

    - original: The original image as a 2D numpy array.
    - modified: The modified (rotated) image as a 2D numpy array.

    - SNR value as a float.
    original_normalized = original / 255.0 if original.max() > 1 else original
    processed_normalized = modified / 255.0 if modified.max() > 1 else modified
    noise = original_normalized - processed_normalized
    mean_signal = np.mean(original_normalized)
    variance_noise = np.var(noise)
    epsilon = 1e-3
    snr = 10 * np.log10((mean_signal**2) / (variance_noise + epsilon))
    return snr

Calculate mean squared error (MSE)#

Compute the MSE between the original and modified images.

def calculate_mse(original, modified):
    Compute the mean squared error (MSE) between the original and modified images.

    - original: The original image as a 2D numpy array.
    - modified: The modified (rotated) image as a 2D numpy array.

    - MSE value as a float.
    mse = np.mean((original - modified) ** 2)
    return mse

Rotate image and crop using SplineOps#

Rotate an image by a specified angle using the splineops library’s TensorSpline method and crop the result.

def rotate_image_and_crop_splineops(image, angle, degree=3, mode="zero", iterations=1):
    Rotate an image by a specified angle using the splineops library's TensorSpline method and crop the result.

    - image: The input image as a 2D numpy array.
    - angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
    - degree: The degree of the spline (0-7).
    - mode: The mode for handling boundaries (default is "zero").
    - iterations: The number of iterations to apply the rotation.

    - Rotated image as a 2D numpy array.
    dtype = image.dtype
    ny, nx = image.shape
    xx = np.linspace(0, nx - 1, nx, dtype=dtype)
    yy = np.linspace(0, ny - 1, ny, dtype=dtype)
    data = np.ascontiguousarray(image, dtype=dtype)
    rotated_image = data

    degree = max(0, min(degree, 7))
    basis = f"bspline{degree}"

    for _ in range(iterations):
        tensor_spline = TensorSpline(
            data=rotated_image, coordinates=(yy, xx), bases=basis, modes=mode
        angle_rad = np.radians(-angle)
        cos_angle, sin_angle = np.cos(angle_rad), np.sin(angle_rad)
        original_center_x, original_center_y = (nx - 1) / 2.0, (ny - 1) / 2.0
        oy, ox = np.ogrid[0:ny, 0:nx]
        ox = ox - original_center_x
        oy = oy - original_center_y

        nx_coords = cos_angle * ox + sin_angle * oy + original_center_x
        ny_coords = -sin_angle * ox + cos_angle * oy + original_center_y

        eval_coords = ny_coords.flatten(), nx_coords.flatten()
        interpolated_values = tensor_spline(coordinates=eval_coords, grid=False)
        rotated_image = interpolated_values.reshape(ny, nx)

    return rotated_image

Rotate image and crop using SciPy#

Rotate an image by a specified angle using SciPy’s ndimage.rotate function and crop the result.

def rotate_image_and_crop_scipy(image, angle, order=3, iterations=5):
    Rotate an image by a specified angle using SciPy's ndimage.rotate function and crop the result.

    - image: The input image as a 2D numpy array.
    - angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
    - order: The order of the spline (0-5).
    - iterations: The number of iterations to apply the rotation.

    - Rotated image as a 2D numpy array.
    rotated_image = image.copy()
    for _ in range(iterations):
        rotated_image = ndimage.rotate(
            rotated_image, angle, reshape=False, order=order, mode="constant", cval=0
    return rotated_image

Benchmark and display rotation#

Perform a benchmark of the rotation operation for both SplineOps and SciPy libraries and display images.

def benchmark_and_display_rotation(image, angle, degree, iterations):
    Perform a benchmark of the rotation operation for both splineops and SciPy libraries and display images.

    - image: The input image as a 2D numpy array.
    - angle: The rotation angle in degrees.
    - degree: The degree of the spline (0-7).
    - iterations: The number of iterations to apply the rotation.
    start_time_custom = time.time()
    custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops = rotate_image_and_crop_splineops(
        image, angle, degree=degree, mode="zero", iterations=iterations
    time_custom = time.time() - start_time_custom

    start_time_scipy = time.time()
    scipy_rotated_and_cropped = rotate_image_and_crop_scipy(
        image, angle, order=degree, iterations=iterations
    time_scipy = time.time() - start_time_scipy

    bounds = calculate_inscribed_rectangle_bounds_from_image(image)
    image_cropped = crop_image_to_bounds(image, bounds)
    custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops = crop_image_to_bounds(
        custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops, bounds
    scipy_rotated_and_cropped = crop_image_to_bounds(scipy_rotated_and_cropped, bounds)

    snr_splineops = calculate_snr(image_cropped, custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops)
    snr_scipy = calculate_snr(image_cropped, scipy_rotated_and_cropped)
    mse_splineops = calculate_mse(image_cropped, custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops)
    mse_scipy = calculate_mse(image_cropped, scipy_rotated_and_cropped)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 20))
    axes[0].imshow(image_cropped, cmap="gray")
    axes[0].set_title("Original Image")
    axes[1].imshow(custom_rotated_and_cropped_splineops, cmap="gray")
        f"SplineOps Rotated\nSNR: {snr_splineops:.2f}dB, MSE: {mse_splineops:.2e}\nAngle: {angle}°, Iter: {iterations}\nDegree: {degree}, Time: {time_custom:.2f}s"
    axes[2].imshow(scipy_rotated_and_cropped, cmap="gray")
        f"SciPy Rotated\nSNR: {snr_scipy:.2f}dB, MSE: {mse_scipy:.2e}\nAngle: {angle}°, Iter: {iterations}\nDegree: {degree}, Time: {time_scipy:.2f}s"

    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, top=0.95, bottom=0.05)

Load image and perform rotations#

Load the image, perform rotations using both SplineOps and SciPy methods, and display the results.

# Image size, Rotation angle and iterations and degree of spline interpolation
size = 1000
angle = 72  # 72
iterations = 5  # 5
degree = 3

# Load and resize the ascent image
image = datasets.ascent()
image_resized = ndimage.zoom(
    image, (size / image.shape[0], size / image.shape[1]), order=degree

# Convert to float32
image_resized = image_resized.astype(np.float32)

# Benchmark and display rotation results
benchmark_and_display_rotation(image_resized, angle, degree, iterations)
Original Image, SplineOps Rotated SNR: 20.34dB, MSE: 6.30e-02 Angle: 72°, Iter: 5 Degree: 3, Time: 1.31s, SciPy Rotated SNR: 20.34dB, MSE: 6.30e-02 Angle: 72°, Iter: 5 Degree: 3, Time: 0.43s

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.282 seconds)

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